Shadey Lane Farms is located in Kronau southern Saskatchewan and just 2 hours from the American border. We have been raising miniature donkeys since 1997 with a herd that consists of 20-25 donkeys at any given time. We are mixed farmers of grain, commercial cattle and horses. In the summer of 1997, we were looking to diversify into something when we came across miniature donkeys. We started with a small gray jack and 2 foundation jennets. Within 3 years we had 3 more jennets and had changed our jack and we were in the donkey business. We continued to improve our herd by bringing in new bloodlines from Alberta and the USA to create our herd that we have now.
Our focus is to raise family friendly donkeys with a great disposition. We have a select group of jennets, some with more pedigree than others. Some of our jennets without an extended pedigree, we feel are just great mothers and may not have champion foals but produce great family pets. Here at Shadey Lane Farms we try to produce donkeys that are affordable to people interested in breeding, pet stock and driving prospects.
The main objective of our breeding program is disposition, conformation, versatility and after sale commitment to our customers. We have breeding, show and pet stock available year-round. We do not focus on any certain color because we find people like to see all colors when they come to visit the donkeys.